Capital Ideas
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Exclusive Fabrice Taylor Idea in Today’s Digest

Today’s Digest features a company with first mover A.I. technology in a massive market that is tackling one of the world’s biggest problems. The stock has “tremendous upside”.

New Fabrice Taylor Exclusive Idea Tomorrow

Fabrice Taylor’s last exclusive idea for Capital Ideas soared more than 400% in a matter of weeks. Don’t miss his latest exclusive in tomorrow’s Digest.

Organic Retailer a Takeover Candidate?

Whole Foods for $13.7 billion, Farm Boy for $800 million. Is Organic Garage the next takeout in the organic retail sector?
Find out later today in our interview with CEO, Matt Lurie.

Deep Value Stock with 47% Upside

Keep reading for a deep value stock the market is “overlooking”. And the new Digest has a REIT that gained about 20% in the last year and can do it again.

BAM Goes Elephant Hunting

Today’s Digest will be posted at 7 pm eastern time. One idea is a defensive stock that has gained about 20% in the last year and is set to do it again.

New Coverage of REIT with 32% Upside

Still Lots of Upside for Amazon and Alphabet

Amazon. com and Alphabet are under some pressure but analysts are still very bullish. See the research.

Breathe…We’ve Got Upgrades

First off, this isn’t 2008. But if we learned anything from that time it’s that panicking and selling investments intended to be long-term holdings is not a good idea.

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