Capital Ideas
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Growth Idea Stands Out

The new Digest examines research on a technology company whose shares surged by 17x in 10 years and is now returning to growth. Watch for it today at 7 pm eastern time.

“Walking Securities Violation” Dollinger Fired by Namaste

Keep reading for news on Namaste Technologies’ firing of its co-founder and CEO, Sean Dollinger.

Seeing is Believing & Four Top Picks

Why does Stanley Cup winner Bryce Salvador swear by Eyecarrot Innovations’ Binovi vision therapy technology product. Find out in our new podcast. Details in the Daily Update.

Watch Cognetivity Today

Keep reading for positive news on November 6, 2018 cover story Cognetivity Neurosciences (CSE:CGN).

Strong Growth, Low Risk

A reminder to check out the new Capital Ideas Digest for an under the radar company with a 10-year track record of revenue and earnings growth that continues to reward shareholders.

Under the Radar, Cash-Rich, Low Risk with 25% Upside.

Look out for the new Capital Ideas Digest at 7 pm ET today for research on an acquisitive, cash-rich, low risk company that has surged 28 times in 10 years.

Interview with Franco-Nevada CEO

This morning, we’ve posted a Best of Podcast Episode with David Harquail, CEO of Franco-Nevada.

“Compelling Growth Story” After 163% Gain

If you haven’t filled out the brief survey that we emailed you on Wednesday, and a you have a few minutes over the weekend, we’d love to get your thoughts. Thank you.

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